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Canine Scent Work

Canine Nose Work, also known as Scent Work, is a sport and activity designed for dogs to tap into their superior sense of smell. Dogs participate in scent detection by seeking out and finding different scents hidden in various environments, both indoors and outdoors.
Eight one hour Classes $400
In this class you will learn about the basic concepts in searching for odor, proper use of equipment, how to handle odor, pairing odor, basic container searches and more.

Eight one hour classes $400
In this class we will walk you through how to best prepare you and your dog to succeed. Concentrating on containers, interiors, buildings and lots of alert drills for dedication to odor.
Advanced & Excellent
Eight one hour classes $500
In these levels we challenge your skills as a team and keep you progressing in more advanced searches concentrating on exterior, vehicle, buildings, speed and many more challenging searches. We will start elevated hides and many of these classes are off site in new locations each week in the excellent level.